Stand for Equality, Freedom, and Economic Opportunity - Sign the Petition

Join the Movement to Overturn the Discriminatory Securities Act of 1933

Sign the Petition

Did you know that, per SEC estimation, a staggering 87% of American households are currently excluded from participating in a significant segment of capital raising? This segment far surpasses the investing opportunities available from companies raising money in public markets.

Greedy elites love this because it locks out everyday Americans they see as competition.

How could this happen? 

It started with the outdated Securities Act of 1933, which created complicated barriers to raising capital. The discriminatory term “accredited investor” was added to the Securities Act in 1980, which directed the SEC to create rules to qualify “any person who, based on such factors as financial sophistication, net worth, knowledge, and experience in financial matters, or amount of assets under management” as an accredited investor—the SEC promulgated rules in 1982, defining a natural person with a net worth exceeding $1,000,000 or an annual income exceeding $200,000 (or $300,000 jointly with a spouse) to be accredited. Only 13% of Americans qualify as “accredited,” according to the SEC.

The Term “Accredited” Investor Is Unfair, Outdated, and Missed Its Aim

Our Mission: Empowering Every American Investor

This petition aims to challenge the discriminatory and anti-American aspects of the Securities Act of 1933. We invite you to join us in this crucial movement that seeks to foster a fair and inclusive financial landscape for all Americans.

Why Take Action?

The Securities Act of 1933, an outdated piece of legislation, perpetuates an unjust system that hampers equal access to investment opportunities. Its provisions unfairly favor the wealthy, creating barriers that hinder economic growth and limit opportunities for most Americans. It’s time to rectify this inequality and ensure that every American has an equal chance to succeed financially.

Why is this Urgent for Everyday Americans?

The urgency lies in the fact that the Securities Act of 1933 creates significant barriers for everyday Americans, impeding their access to crucial investment opportunities. By challenging the Securities Act, we can create a level playing field that allows all Americans to pursue financial success without arbitrary obstacles holding them back.

How Does the Securities Act of 1933 Hold Everyday Americans Back?

The Securities Act of 1933 established regulations restricting investment opportunities and limiting participation to accredited investors, primarily the wealthy. This means that everyday Americans, despite their knowledge, skills, and aspirations, face significant hurdles in accessing investments that can help them build wealth, support their families, and achieve their dreams. The Act undermines the principles of economic freedom and equality that our nation stands for.

Specific Opportunities Missed by Everyday Americans

Consider the example of Mary, a talented entrepreneur with a game-changing business idea. Due to the Securities Act of 1933, she is unable to access capital from a broad range of potential investors. Mary’s innovation still needs to be tapped, stifled by the limitations imposed by outdated regulations. This affects Mary’s personal success and deprives the economy of potential job creation and innovation that could benefit the entire community.

Now imagine John, a hardworking individual aspiring to invest in promising startups and businesses. However, the Securities Act of 1933 restricts his investment choices, limiting his ability to diversify his portfolio and potentially generate substantial returns. As a result, John misses out on opportunities to build his wealth and secure a brighter financial future for himself and his family.

These are just a few examples of how the Securities Act of 1933 hampers the potential of everyday Americans. It stifles innovation, limits economic growth, and perpetuates a system that favors the privileged few. By signing the petition, you can help create an inclusive financial landscape that empowers individuals from all walks of life to participate in the wealth-creation process.

Join the Movement - Sign the Petition

Take action now to remove the barriers that hold everyday Americans back from realizing their financial dreams. Sign the petition and advocate for a fair, equal investment environment that opens doors for all. Together, we can dismantle the discriminatory provisions of the Securities Act of 1933 and unleash the untapped potential of everyday Americans.

Expanding Investor Access to Private Market Investments: Reforming the Accredited Investor Definition

Considering the current landscape, it is evident that investors deserve increased opportunities to access private market investments. At the very least, it is crucial to reform the accredited investor definition, allowing individual investors greater access to private offerings. By removing barriers to opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs to achieve financial gains, we can begin to address the wealth divide that plagues our society.

Regrettably, despite some recent minor expansions in the accredited investor definition, there are concerning indications that the Securities and Exchange Commission intends to impose further limitations on investor access to private offerings.

This petition is meant to help fix past mistakes of the SEC while preventing further limitations.

The Time To Take Action Is Now

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Stand for Equality, Freedom, and Economic Opportunity - Sign the Petition

Join the Movement to Overturn the Discriminatory Securities Act of 1933

SUMMARY: Per SEC estimation, a staggering 87% of American households are currently excluded from participating in a significant segment of capital raising. It started with the outdated Securities Act of 1933, which created complicated barriers to raising capital. The discriminatory term “accredited investor” was added to the Securities Act in 1980. Only 13% of Americans qualify as “accredited,” according to the SEC. 

This means that everyday Americans, despite their knowledge, skills, and aspirations, face significant hurdles in accessing investments that can help them build wealth, support their families, and achieve their dreams. The Securities Act of 1933 undermines the principles of economic freedom and equality that our nation stands for.

By signing this petition you make your voice heard to the SEC so it is known you support economic equality and find the designation of “accredited investor” unfair, outdated, and missed its aim.